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Bled, 8-16 November, 2007, Slovenia

More than 70 mobile data experts from around the world were located at the Hotel Golf in Bled, Slovenia, for an interoperability testing event organized by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). An international specifications setting body consisting of more than 380 mobile operators, device and network suppliers, information technology companies, and content providers.

OMA selected Mobitel, Slovene national mobile operator and Sintesio, an ETSI endorsed NGN interoperability test lab located in Bled, to host the event. Mobitel and Sintesio provided test network configurations, supporting 2G and 3G wireless technologies, where it was possible to test applications in a real network situation.

TestFest was dedicated to the interoperability testing of OMA’s Enablers using IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS), which is seen as key for the successful and rapid deployment of next generation networks’ applications, and the convergence of fixed and mobile networks.