Interoperability Events Organization & Hosting
“The Participants have scored “Operator Support” as the best ever for an OMA TestFest. Your preparation and dedication to this TestFest has been rewarding by the participants! Well done!”
– Joaquin Prado, OMA TestFest Manager
In cooperation with ETSI and Industry forums, i.e. OMA, MSF, GSMA, and ERTICO Sintesio has been hosting major global Interoperability events in the Telecom domain, such as OMA Testfest, IMS Plugtest , RCS/VoLTE Plugtest, LTE Small Cell Plugtest and eCall Plugtest.
In partnerships with Sintesio’s partners, Sintesio can setup and manage a complex (operator’s) test network infrastructure, providing technical and logistics support to organizers for organization of on-site or/and remote execution of technically demanding interoperability test events, that interconnect test sites around the world.
Flexible telecom consulting
and standards development
Test standards Development & Validation
Sintesio experts are continuously involved in ETSI STF since 2007, mainly in the development of Conformance, Interworking and Interoperability testing standards for PSTN, NGN, IMS and 3GPP domains. Check our standards development references.
Sintesio is a full member of ITU, ETSI and SIST.
Conformance & Interoperability Testing
- Test Suite Maintenance
- Test Suites Development
- Consulting & Training
Fell free to contact us, if you have a specific testing need. We would gladly discuss your requirements and provide you the solution to the testing needs.
Our experts have in-depth expertise mainly on the conformance, interworking and interoperability testing for NGN, IMS and 3GPP networks.
Interoperability Events Organization & Hosting
- Joaquin Prado, OMA TestFest Manager