Conferences & Workshops

May 18 -19, 2006, Bled, Slovenia.

The SINTESIO prepared a unique two day seminar NGN vision and Reality with outstanding speakers. More than 90 participants and experts from Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Greece representing NGN equipment vendors, fixed and mobile operators, and research institutions, government bodies and universities attended the seminar. The participants evaluated the seminar as extremely valuable in terms of scope, technical content and the quality of the presentations presented with the top experts.

I wanted to thank SINTESIO colleagues very much for the privilege of participating in the first SINTESIO seminar on NGN Interoperability in Bled last week. Your event organization and kind hospitality were superlative, and my first impressions of Slovenia and the interoperability programs was very positive – and hopefully will serve as a starting point for a much longer journey in 2006/7.

Leo Nikkari, Executive Director, MobileIgnite

The NGN Vision and Reality seminar brought together professionals from across the NGN value chain (standardization bodies, NGN equipment vendors, network operators/service providers, system integrators, and research and development institutions). The goal of the seminar was to illuminate the area of next generation networks, its standardization, implementation and deployment options from different points of view backed up with real life experiences.

The seminar covered the transformation of the traditional business and network architecture model from multiple vertical networks (single service networks for fixed, mobile, WLAN, internet communications) towards a single multi-services horizontal network model.

Special emphasis was given to the development and use of NGN open standards and specifications where presenters will review current state-of-the-art of the NGN standardization, with the emphasis on ETSI TISPAN NGN Release 1 and ITU-T SG11 standards, and will outline the standardization roadmap to future releases.

Different presenters were share their experiences and visions from the standardization bodies, operators, vendors and research institutions’ points of view.

The panel session Interoperability and Testability in NGN held to review the main interoperability challenges and testing criteria in NGN networks. Panelists were presented approaches to functional, conformance, interoperability and performance testing. Experiences gained from MSF interoperability testing events, the Technopark NGN project, and the SINTESIO NGN interoperability test event running in parallel with the seminar will be reviewed and discussed.