
Kranj, September 24 to October 12, 2012 – Second RCS/VoLTE Interoperability Event was hosted by the SINTESIO facility in Kranj, Slovenia, co-hosted by Telekom Slovenia and China Mobile Research Institute in Beijing, China.[dt_divider style=”double-gap”/]

The MultiService Forum (MSF), European Telecoms Standards Institute (ETSI) and GSM Association (GSMA) organized a RCS VoLTE Interoperability Event 2012 focused on validating core network interfaces to ensure multi-vendor deployment strategies for RCS and VoLTE technology. The event endorsed and tested a number of GSMA PRDs and validated the Testing Scenarios developed by MSF and ETSI to facilitate multi-vendor deployment of LTE./EPC/IMS technology for RCS and VoLTE services.

The event was hosted by the SINTESIO facility in Kranj, Slovenia, co-hosted by Telekom Slovenia and China Mobile Research Institute in Beijing, China. It took place over the period of September 24 to October 12, 2012 . Dates varied by location.

Please visit the event website for more detailed information: