Business Comunication & Networking

Program Outline

DAY 1: October 20, 2008

9:00 – 9:15

Opening and Welcome Greeting

Welcome greeting Introductory thoughts on Business Communications and Networking will be given by

Željko Puljič, President of the Board, Telecom Slovenia Group


9:15 – 10:30

Invited Lecture: ICT for Successfull Business

What will happen next?

Jožek Gruškovnjak, Cisco

Economic, social and technological aspects of our life are becoming more and more intertwined and the pace of change is accelerating. So, what are the key factors which will influence how we work, live, learn and play in the future? Are we approaching the pinnacle of technological development or is it this only beginning? This session may not offer answers to all the questions asked, but it may provide a lot of “food-for-thought”.[/toggle]

10:30 – 11:00

Cofee Break, Networking & Showcases

11:00 – 12:30

Technical Session 1: Enterprise Networking Technologies

Reliable, Maneagable, Secure and Thrusted enterprise network represent a valuable enterprise asset which boost productivity, facilitate versatile communications and provide flexibility of networking options and different workforce arrangements at any time and anywhere, i.e. in the office, on-the-move or from a remote home environment.

This session illuminates and focuses on technical considerations and challenges associated with the deployment of efficient networking and communications in enterprise environment, with the emphasis on:

  • IP networking solution for intra-net, extra-net and internet enterprise communications and networking,
  • QoS and Maneagability
  • Security and Network protection
  • Privacy

Security an privacy Ivica Ostojić, CISCO
This presentation is going to show current trends on attacks on IT infrastructure and propose some countermeasures. During presentation some demonstrations of fast attacks will be demonstrated as a proof of concept how IT infrastructure without proper security measures can be breached in very short period of time. [/text_box]

Adaptive Network Architecture (ANA) Simon Feldin, Hewllet-Packard
Adaptive Network Architecture (ANA) is a combination of HP’s patented and patent-pending methodology for uniquely compartmentalizing the network, together with a set of tools, processes, services, expertise, and best practices that can be integrated into customer environments. HP believes that the availability, reliability, and performance of the network are directly tied to network security which is essential to supporting business critical applications. Using ANA, we build security into the forefront of network architecture and design, rather than bolting it on after the fact. As a unique differentiator, ANA brings a significant value-add to HP’s Network Solutions portfolio including HP Network Security, HP IP Communications, and HP Network Consolidation.

Converged communications on evolution path towards IMS Bojan Križ, Iskratel
Business Customers are very important segment in the telecoms value chain. Therefore telecoms must proactively investigate needs of such segment in order to be inline with market trends, which consequently brings the necessity to extend application & service portfolios, as well as improvement of core network. Convergence must be straight forward answer on today’s challenges, means deployment of access-agnostic application platform. [/text_box]

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 15:30

Technical Session 2: Enterprise Communications Technologies

This session illuminates and focuses on market opportunities, challenges associated with the business communications, services and applications. Special attantion shall be given to successfull deployment strategies, business models, and innovative enterprise communication applications and solutions . Presentations shall focus on:
  • Unified communications (VoIP and multi-media communication) platforms
  • Security Services
  • Open Communication Servers and Mediation software
  • Collaboration Software
Microsoft Unified Communications Andrej Kunej, Microsoft, Slovenia
Businesses need to tear down the walls that separate telecommunications and computing and benefit from new ways of communication. We can use power of software and leverage existing telecommunication infrastructure to combine e-mail, IM, voice, audio-, video- and Web conferencing into a single, intuitive system built around people. [/text_box]
Managed Security Services Borut Žnidar,
Managed security services are a way to outsource routine part of security management to external party. This presentation will focus on managed security services and main dilemas with introduction of this service. [/text_box]

IronPort: Cisco’s leap to enterprise security Hrvoje Dogan, CISCO
ne of Cisco’s latest acquisitions, IronPort Systems, is a major player in content security. To hear about IronPort’s technology, Cisco’s vision, and how two companies can become better together, join us at this session, which will also highlight IronPort’s offering for enterprise protection from blended threats and data leakage. IronPort – Predicting A Secure Future. [/text_box]

15:30 – 16:00

Cofee break, Networking & Showcases

16:00 – 17:30

[toggle title=”Demo Session 1: Empowering productivity and workforce flexibility”]This session will demonstrate through the real-life deployments and practical demonstrations, how ICT can facilitate and enpower the productivity within the office environment and provide the flexibility to the workforce with the efficient utilization of enterprise networking and communication resources.[/toggle]

Microsoft Unified Communications @ Work Andrej Kašnik, Microsoft, Slovenia

Practical demonstration of Microsoft Unified Commiunications platform and how these capabilities enable new ways of personal and group communication form both office and mobile workers.

Unified Communications for Business Users Franc Dolenc, Vlado Arizanovič, Iskratel

Iskratel offers unified communications solutions that help remove the barriers between voice, email, conferencing, video and instant messaging. For the enterprise users this means reduced time to decision, increased productivity and the ability to provide a simple and consistent user experience across all types of communications. Iskratel’s Unified Communications solution is native integration between the reliable SI3000 telecommunications system and the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, and delivers complete communications – messaging, voice, and video – across applications and devices anytime, anywhere. This best-in-class solution which is implemented in the Iskratel Group, enables communication and collaboration in an effective manner.

Efficient and rich customer interaction in modern contact centers Tomaž Vodušek and Peter Peterlin, Avtenta

Overview of Microsoft Customer Care using the power full integration between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Cisco Call Centre. Key areas of contact center are consolidation of agent desktop, support for different communication channels and bringing it all together in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Microsoft Dynamics provides also data connectivity to other business applications in back office for the agents in call centre.

18:00 –

Social event & dinner in an extraordinary ambient in Bled.