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Business Comunication & Networking

Program Outline

DAY 2: October 21, 2008


[highlight color=”orange”]9:00 – 9:30[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Invited Lecture: The end of the world as we know it”]

How communication technologies changed the way business interact with consumers

Martina Merslavic, PRISTOP

Due to communicaton technologies, consumers became prosumers, segments became communities and mediated communication completely lost its efficiency. Welcome to the world of direct and honest conversations where successful business not only communicate with but also include consumers into innovation processes. No entry for control freaks and the digitally illetarate. Have fun!



[highlight color=”blue”]9:30 – 11:00[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Technical Session 3: B2B and B2C Communication Solutions”]

Efficient design, implementations and deployment of networking and communication technologies which in a large portion take into consideration the enterprise business models, business processes, customers and business partners profiles, can provide efficient access to the global and niche markets in a large scale. It can also reduce operation costs of various busines processes, e.g. purchasing, marketing, sales and product deliveries or deployments.

This session illuminates and focuses on efficient utilization of networking and communication technologies combined with other enterprise technologies like WEB 2.0 technologies and information systems and resources in order to effectively implement communications with customers and business partners.

Special attention shall be give to:

  • Integration of different ICT technologies for B2B and B2C solutions
  • Solutions for B2B and B2C: Contact centers, CRM, …
  • Role of WEB 2.0 Technologies and it’s effective utilization
  • Effective business models and deployment scenarios for b2B and B2C communications


[text_box class=”grey” title=”Enabling efficient and rich customer interaction in contact centers

Boštjan Virant, Microsoft”] Today’s reality of a contact center consists of different communication channels for customers, a number of LOB applications and variety of OSS/BSS systems. Microsoft Customer Care Framework (CCF) helps to adress the challenges of bringing it all together into a consolidated agent desktop that orchestrates all these systems and provides singe 360° customer view. [/text_box]

[text_box class=”grey” title=”Contact Center – New way of customer care

Iztok Visočnik, Cisco”] Presentation is going to show a new view of customer care, which is crucial in a Web 2.0 environment. During presentation also Cisco’s main solution of Contact Centre will be presented.  [/text_box]

[text_box class=”grey” title=”Service Management Services

Gordan Sket, Solution Principal for Enterprise Infrastructure, HP”]

ITSM (IT Service Management) or “managing IT services” is essentially the “job” of an IT department or an IT service provider with the intended result of optimizing the return on IT to the business through consistent and predictable service levels to the lines of business/service customers. HP ITSM solutions help IT organizations to:

    • Become business-driven
    • Achieve continuous business-IT alignment
    • Deliver IT services at defined service levels, quality, agility and cost targets
    • Leverage best practices based upon industry standard ITIL methodologies



 [highlight color=”green”]11:00 – 11.15[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Cofee Break & Social Networking”][/toggle]


[highlight color=”orange”]11:15 – 11.45[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Invited Lecture: Integrate -> Communicate -> Enchance the Business Rate”]

Unified Communications for Business Environments

dr. Andrej Kos, University of Ljubljana

The Unified Communications environment is a generic term for the integration of different communications systems, media, devices and applications that have until now been separated and used in an independent way. The goal is to establish a hybrid communications architecture that unifies, convergently interconnects and automates different communications means into a unified end-user’s experience interlacing various communications channels with current availability and communications profile of the user.

Today, unified communications solutions are specifically targeted at business and educational environments, wherein the need of optimised and simplified communications amongst employees is specifically emphasized in order to achieve higher level of efficiency, flexibility and success rate of business processes.



[highlight color=”blue”]11:45 – 13:15[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Technical Session 4: Telecom Hosting Solutions for Enterprise needs”]

In recent years, public telecom networks and services are transforming from traditional vertically oriented network model with separated networks for voice, mobile communications and data into one multi-media converged networks, which will be rich of variety of multi-media services.

Can telecom hosting service provided by network operators and service provides, like IP-Centrex, Large secure VPN networks, Managed QoS networking, converged FMC solutions for enterprise, instant messaging and others, reduce enterprise’s investments into ICT infrastructure, and can reduce operation and maintenance costs? What is a value of such services and solutions for enterprise?

These and many other questions will be addressed and examined in this session.


[text_box class=”grey” title=”Advanced Hosted Voice Communication Services

Samo Flerin, Iskratel”] Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services which aim to facilitate collaboration and sharing between users. By integrating voice into popular applications and Web services through Web 2.0 application mash-ups VoIP platforms become infinitely more valuable to service providers and business end-users. Now end-users can leverage their phone system in conjunction with critical business applications used on a daily basis, and improve Web-based productivity. By embracing Web 2.0/Voice 2.0 with VoIP platforms at the core, service providers significantly improve the customization capabilities according to business customer needs. [/text_box]

[text_box class=”grey” title=”Software + Services

Boštjan Stražar, Microsoft”] Enabling next generation enterprise services by establishing flexible, dynamic or even on-demand boundaries between on-premise and in-the-cloud service components. Service providers and operators are fuelling this model by providing wide range of finished, attached and building block services for the enterprise connected via the reliable communication infrastructure. [/text_box]

[text_box class=”grey” title=”Managed services solutions

Daniel Evdagić, Cisco”] < Short Abstract: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam congue. Donec purus eros, sollicitudin eget, sollicitudin id, placerat eu, odio. Maecenas rhoncus metus sit amet quam. Nam nonummy consequat velit. Morbi quis purus vitae orci venenatis auctor. Mauris et nisi. Mauris auctor purus at lacus rutrum nonummy. Ut viverra adipiscing lacus. Nam eros nibh, ultricies non, sagittis sed, dignissim sed, pede. Nam eleifend. Donec hendrerit augue a sem. Suspendisse ac sem eu eros suscipit consectetuer. Nulla malesuada malesuada libero. Integer orci massa, eleifend sed, venenatis eu, hendrerit in, mi. Donec aliquam diam vitae eros. Phasellus posuere erat rhoncus nisl. Etiam tellus. [/text_box]


 [highlight color=”green”]13:15 – 14:30[/highlight]

[toggle title=”Lunch & Conclusion of the Symposium”][/toggle]