Conferences & Workshops

5.12.2008, Hotel Golf, Bled, Slovenia


Sintesio Foundation organized  one-day tutorial workshop on QoS and related topics Covered by ETSI STQ on 5th December 2008 at the Golf Hotel. Workshop was made by members of the standardization work of ETSI STQ (Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality Aspects). The workshop included leading experts in the world which presented the topic in a structured manner. The areas of expertise provided quality in telecommunication networks in the transfer of multi-content, voice, video streaming. As they wrote in their promotional material, a quality transfer of multimedia content is one of the decisive factors in the promotional market.

Workshop was organized in the context of hosting a working meeting standardization group ETSI STQ work, which was at the Golf Hotel in Bled from 1st to 5th December 2008. Members of the working group held a workshop in this very specialized field of expertise. As a result of agreements was a high quality program of one-day workshop in the field of processing and transmission of voice and related aspects of quality.

Workshop was organized for members and support organizations free of charge due to the fact that it was an extremely excellent and professional special event in the field of communication technologies in our region.